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VIScon Workshop: Architectural KATA: Solve a real-world software architecture problem


Startzeit 21.10.2023 10:15

Endzeit 21.10.2023 12:15

Zum Kalender hinzufügen: ics Google

This event is only available for VIScon Symposium and Hackathon participants, and Helpers!

Please make sure to sign up to either one first.

In architectural katas, small groups of developers and/or software architects practise proposing different architectural approaches and analysing and discussing the inevitable trade-offs that impact system qualities. How would you sketch the design? What architectural style do you think fits best? Don’t miss out! We invite you to join us for this very creative experience.

The VSETH General Privacy Policy applies to this event.

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Event Organisatoren

Haupt-Organisator Diego de los Santos Gausi
