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VIScon Escape Room: Hack the Hacker 3


Startzeit 21.10.2023 15:00

Endzeit 21.10.2023 17:00

Zum Kalender hinzufügen: ics Google

This event is only available for VIScon Symposium and Hackathon participants, and Helpers!

Please make sure to sign up to either one first.

A click on a link in an email infects the computer system of your organization with ransomware. It's up to you and your team to rescue the data. The mission of your team is to find the code that revokes the encryption executed by the malicious software. Together with up to 5 people you have to search the hacker's den for hidden hints and clues.

«Hack The Hacker» is a Security Awareness training, that raises interest in security topics and transfers sustainable knowledge through fun and teamwork. Together with up to five people you have to solve security related puzzles in an analogue game environment in the escape room.

In order to prepare you and your team for this adventure, two experts from SWITCH-CERT will give you an introduction into security and provide you with basic knowledge that might come in handy during the game. In a debriefing, we’ll discuss the experienced security aspects and try to answer any open question.

The VSETH General Privacy Policy applies to this event.

Das Kleingedruckte

  • Mit der Teilnahme erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, dass Fotos von dir gemacht werden, die für VIS-Zwecke (VISIONEN, Instagram, etc.) verwendet werden können

  • Mit der Teilnahme erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, den VIS Verhaltenscodex einzuhalten

  • Alle Teilnehmenden sind für ihre eigene Versicherung verantwortlich

  • Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

  • Grundsätzlich gibt es keine Rückerstattungen

Event Organisatoren

Haupt-Organisator Diego de los Santos Gausi
