VIScon Workshop: Tuning Up: A Hands-On Guide to Creating Your Own Custom LLM
Startzeit 12.10.2024 10:15
Endzeit 12.10.2024 11:45
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This event is only available for VIScon Symposium or Hackathon participants, as well as Helpers! Please sign up for one of these events first!
The advent of large language models (LLMs) has significantly transformed the industry. Preeminent examples such as ChatGPT have demonstrated diverse applicabilities, yet there remains a demand for customized LLM solutions.
In our interactive workshop, you will learn to craft your own custom LLM.
Leveraging an open-source foundational model as the bedrock, we'll guide you to fine-tune it with your own unique data set. This personalized approach ensures your LLM aligns effectively with your specific requirements and objectives.
Additional slots might become available later on. Please use the waiting list!
The VSETH General Privacy Policy applies to this event.
Details and Prerequisites
Workshops may require items VIScon cannot provide (e.g., a Laptop) which you have to bring with you or to set up something (e.g., install software) that would otherwise take up a significant chunk of the workshop. You may also need knowledge in certain fields (e.g., how to program in a specific language). All of this information can be found in the following paragraphs, so you can decide whether you want/can participate in this workshop, or not.
What you have to bring to the workshop:
- a laptop
What you have to do before the workshop:
Knowledge requirements(/recommendations) for this workshop:
- basic Python programming
Why can't I sign up for this workshop?
If you signed up for the main event after the early access deadline (8:00pm, 19th of September), you can sign up from the 22nd of September. But don't worry, we will send you a reminder when the sign up opens. Early access is our way to thank early supporters!
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Grundsätzlich gibt es keine Rückerstattungen
Event Organisatoren
Haupt-Organisator Niklas Tischler