VIS x Jane Street: Estimathon
Startzeit 12.11.2024 18:15
Endzeit 12.11.2024 19:15
Zum Kalender hinzufügen: ics Google
[Das Event findet auf Englisch statt]
The Event:
Do you know how many computers were connected to the Internet on January 1, 1989?
Or how many YouTube videos have more than 1 billion views?
What about the bandwidth beneath the Atlantic Ocean?
If you want to solve problems like these, join us at our upcoming Estimathon — a team-based contest that combines trivia, game theory, and mathematical thinking. Participants will be placed in teams that will be tasked with solving 13 estimation problems in just 30 minutes.
After the Estimathon concludes, join us for a Q&A session to learn more about the firm’s work and opportunities.
Where: CAB G61
When: Tuesday, 12.11.2024, 18:15 - 20:00
Jane Street about themselves:
With offices in New York, London, Hong Kong, and Amsterdam, Jane Street is a quantitative trading firm with offices worldwide. We hire smart, humble people who love to solve problems, build systems, and test theories. You’ll learn something new every day in our office—whether it’s connecting with a colleague to share perspectives, or participating in a talk, class, or game night. Our success is driven by our people, and we never stop improving.
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Event Organisatoren
Haupt-Organisator Elias Ruff