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Glühwein with MoEB

Spass & Action Events

Startzeit 6.12.2024 18:30

Endzeit 6.12.2024 23:00

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VIS is hosting VSETH's Nik's Hütte on campus Hönggerberg on Friday, December 6, and MoEB is inviting all international Master's students to join us for a Glühwein. The first one is on us! Come to Nik's Hütte between 6.30 pm and 7.30 pm to meet your fellow students and don't forget to bring your own cup. Otherwise, you can purchase a cup at Nik's Hütte.

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  • Grundsätzlich gibt es keine Rückerstattungen

Event Organisatoren

Haupt-Organisator Arthur Bigot
