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Dilemma of the Month


Startzeit 20.3.2025 12:15

Endzeit 20.3.2025 13:00

Zum Kalender hinzufügen: ics Google

Event is held in English.

Have you ever thought about your future impact on society as an engineer, scientist or in any other role? How about the responsibilities you might carry in the future? The "Dilemma of the Month" is a series of monthly, informal gatherings, which are designed to be an open space for you to explore, share and discuss your opinions and thoughts on a given topic with others. Everyone including non-CS and non-students are welcome to join :)

This month's edition will be on "What Ethics in CS is and is not about - for haters and lovers." In our recent survey, we received both supportive and critical opinions on our task force, which we equally value in order to improve our work. However, we noticed a substantial amount of misconceptions on what we are standing and aiming for. This event aims to address such misconceptions, but also to let you freely express you opinion on our task force as well as ethics and its importance from your personal perspective. Hence, no matter of being a hater or lover, you are more than welcome to join us :)

Here's a sneak peak into possible questions you can tinker with:

  • What do you like and dislike about our task force "Ethics in CS"?
  • What does "ethics" mean to you personally?
  • How would you explain the word "ethics" to a 9-year-old from your personal perspective?

Remember, there is no correct answer to questions we ask.

📅 When: Thursday, 20.03.2025 12:15-13:00
📍 Where: CAB H52
🥪 Yes, we will provide lunch for you. Yes, it is free :D

Organized with ❤️ by the "Ethics in CS" task force. You can find more information about our initiative here:

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  • Alle Teilnehmenden sind für ihre eigene Versicherung verantwortlich

  • Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr

  • Grundsätzlich gibt es keine Rückerstattungen

Event Organisatoren

Haupt-Organisator Daniel Yang
