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VIScon Workshop: Attacking and Defending Web Applications 2.0


Event start time 16.10.2021 16:15

Event end time 16.10.2021 19:15

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Please sign up to the Symposium first before signing up to this workshop!

You can find additional information on our website.

COVID Certificates are mandatory! You will be denied entry if you cannot present one.

Don’t forget to bring a laptop with you.


A lot has changed since the invention of the internet and the world wide web. It has become essentially impossible to imagine a setting where no web applications — such as webshops, messaging applications or social media sites — exist. With that omnipresence, it becomes increasingly important to consider security in an online world. Web applications are no longer the static pages they once were, and this opens the doors to a plethora of attacks that could endanger a business or its users.

After an introduction with an overview of some common vulnerabilities in webapps, we intend to give participants some insight into practical attacks and vulnerabilities through a gamified experience. Several small teams will attack each other, while trying to defend their own team website. Don't panic, no real websites will be harmed in the process. This will just be a toy website provided by us, without any legal ramifications.

Our beloved workshop is back and it will be twice as big, twice as fun and twice as buggy! While the first half of the workshop will be very similar to last year, the second half contains a completely new challenge. However, we recommend that participants from last year give others a chance to register first ;)

Prerequisites: An interest in cyber security, some minor programming experience and a computer to work from. We will take care of the necessary infrastructure and vulnerable web application.

Disclaimer: We only condone the use of this knowledge for ethical hacking within a legal framework. Any malicious use of knowledge and experience obtained through this workshop is your own responsibility.

We are also on the lookout for helpers and helping will be worth your time. Please check out the helpertool.

The VSETH General Privacy Policy applies to this event.

Event organisers

Main event organiser Elias Ruff
