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Below Nanoseconds – Data engineering challenges for low latency trading

Workshops & Seminars

Event start time 29.11.2021 18:00

Event end time 29.11.2021 19:00

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Location: The event will be held via Zoom. The Zoom link will be provided to the registered participants.

As a leading market maker, Optiver operates globally in a highly competitive and rapidly changing environment. Our infrastructure is a combination of vastly distributed systems, high-performance computing on one hand; and high-throughput dataflows, huge storage, and data analysis on the other.

Our Application Engineer Zuotian Tatum gives an overview of the data engineering involved in capturing network data with nanosecond precision timestamps, where we dive below nanoseconds to answer crucial business questions, and the challenges of running such a system in real-time.

Event organisers

Main event organiser Raman Besenfelder
