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VIScon Workshop: Building a Cloud Service Provider from Scratch


Event start time 15.10.2022 13:00

Event end time 15.10.2022 16:00

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Please sign up to the Symposium first before signing up to this Escape Room! This event is only for Symposium attendees. Hackathon attendees can also sign up for the event.

You can find additional information on our website.

Don’t forget to bring a laptop with you.


In this day and age, cloud computing is ubiquitous. The cloud offers greater flexibility, more stability and higher security in comparison to on premise data centers, all the while cutting costs. With 94% of enterprises using the cloud, it is clear that it’s here to stay. But how exactly do cloud providers operate? In this workshop, we will present an approach on how a cloud provider can choose to provide on-demand self-service SaaS to its customers. We will explore a real world example from one of our customers, and dive deep into topics such as virtualization, orchestration, and monitoring. Participants will get hands-on experience with popular software such as Kubernetes, Service Brokers, Operators, and so much more. The goal is that, by the end of the workshop, participants have their own private cloud through which they can order and manage services. These services can then be used to facilitate the creation of applications.

During this workshop participants will learn about

  • Service Brokers: Service Brokers are the crucial link between consumers and providers of cloud services. Service Brokers carry out the details of ordering, provisioning and linking the services to the applications built by consumers.
  • Docker: Crash course as needed for the scope of the workshop.
  • Kubernetes / Kubernetes Operators: How to automatically deploy Kubernetes components based on declarative configurations.

We are also on the lookout for helpers and helping will be worth your time. Please check out the helpertool.

The VSETH General Privacy Policy applies to this event.

Event organisers

Main event organiser Yves Hersener
