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VIScon Workshop: How to Defang a Dragon (or Cyber Crisis)


Event start time 15.10.2022 13:00

Event end time 15.10.2022 14:00

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Please sign up to the Symposium first before signing up to this Escape Room! This event is only for Symposium attendees. Hackathon attendees can also sign up for the event.

You can find additional information on our website.

Don’t forget to bring a laptop with you.


We will begin by showing you a simple but useful framework that you can use to break down a cyber crisis into more manageable chunks. Then we will let you try it out yourself by splitting you into small teams and having you interact with small crises caused by something cyber going wrong. To aid you a bit, we will provide you with some possible policy responses that you can then discuss and decide which one you like best. You will not need to have any technical knowledge here, since the core of the response is about figuring out priorities and how to communicate them.

We are also on the lookout for helpers and helping will be worth your time. Please check out the helpertool.

The VSETH General Privacy Policy applies to this event.

Event organisers

Main event organiser Yves Hersener
