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Zühlke: Deep Reinforcement Learning

Workshops & Seminars

Event start time 27.11.2019 17:30

Event end time 27.11.2019 20:00

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What does the Game of Go have in common with the stock market? Zühlke invites you to their offices in Schlieren for an interactive workshop about the commonalities between the game of Go and the stock market. The workshop offers a peek into the mysterious machine learning algorithm that beat world champion Lee Sedol in the game of Go. The algorithm, Deep Reinforcement Learning, has also been successful playing ATARI computer games and managing financial portfolios. We’ll highlight the „Magic” behind the approach and discuss applications and risks in widespread adoption. Some math is shown, but none is requried to understand. After the event, you are invited to a networking aperitif with Zühlke employees. VIS and Zühlke are looking forward to meeting you at the event! Do not miss out the opportunity!

Event organisers

Main event organiser Jan Tempus
