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CV Checks & Photos


Event start time 28.2.2024 09:00

Event end time 28.2.2024 16:00

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The CV Checks precede the Kontaktparty and are an integral part of the company fair every year. Here you have the opportunity to get your CV checked by experts from Goldwyn Partners Group in a personal meeting at ETH. It is the perfect opportunity to get tips on the formulation and content of your CV and on how to improve your job prospects. Additionally, you have the option to get a professional picture taken of you.

So if you are in the final stages of your bachelor's or master's degree and want to polish your CV for the perfect internship or your first job, it's best to register right here. The CV Checks will take place on 28.02.2024 at the following times:

  • Slot 1: 09:00 - 10:20
  • Slot 2: 10:40 - 12:00
  • Slot 3: 13:00 - 14:20
  • Slot 4: 14:40 - 16:00

You have the opportunity to list your preferred time slots, yet there is no guarantee, that you will get this spot. The event will take place in the CLA building. The exact room for your CV-Check will be sent to you with the time slot you got. The pictures will be taken in CLA D 19.

Below you find the two possible slots for your photo to be taken. These slots are independent of the slot you choose for your CV-check:

  • Photo-Slot 1: 11:00 - 12:00
  • Photo-Slot 2: 13:00 - 15:00

It goes without saying that your CV will be treated strictly confidential and all your personal data will be deleted after your meeting is over. Feel free to contact me if any questions come up.

Contact: Konstantin Lucny

Event organisers

Main event organiser Konstantin Lucny
