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VISKAS (Back to the roots edition)

Calm & Culture Events

Event start time 13.9.2024 17:00

Event end time 13.9.2024 23:00

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For old times sake, we want to try to keep the traditional VISKAS alive even after the smashing success of VISTA.

What to expect?

VIS will distribute Grillfood, Salad and Beer to all participants who signed up. But we will offer no additional infrastructure other than what is provided at Katzensee. You will be grilling your own food on the fireplaces available there. There will be no bar, no tents, no grills, no music, just how it was in the very beginning.


Seebad Katzensee. Closest Bus station is Mühlacker from there it's a short walk to the parking space where we will distribute the food. You will receive food at the entry control on the parking lot. There will be an entry control from 17:00-19:00, after that you need to pick up the food in the badi itself.


Friday 13.09.2024 17:00. Try to not arrive later than 19:00.


Spots are limited. Please respect this limit.

The fine print

  • By participating you agree that pictures can be taken of you that could be used for VIS-Purposes (VISIONEN, Instagram, etc)

  • By participating, you agree to adhere by the VIS Code of Conduct

  • Every participant is responsible for their own insurance

  • All statements are made without guarantee

  • In general, there are no refunds

Event organisers

Main event organiser Simon Ebner
