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VIS x Google - How To Build Reliable Systems

Workshops & Seminars

Event start time 5.11.2024 18:15

Event end time 5.11.2024 19:45

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Are you curious about how reliable distributed systems are built? Then join our talk "Google x VIS - How To Build Reliable Systems" held next Tuesday at CAB by Luis Quesada Torres.

Luis Quesada Torres works as a Senior Engineering Manager at Google. Over the course of ninety minutes he will give you an exposition on the different aspects of building scalable, reliable and efficient distributed systems and answer (most of) your questions.

Take this opportunity and gain insight into your potential future in the industry.

📅 When: Tuesday, 05.11.2024 18:15-19:45 📍 Where: CAB G 61

The fine print

  • By participating you agree that pictures can be taken of you that could be used for VIS-Purposes (VISIONEN, Instagram, etc)

  • By participating, you agree to adhere by the VIS Code of Conduct

  • Every participant is responsible for their own insurance

  • All statements are made without guarantee

  • In general, there are no refunds

Event organisers

Main event organiser Erxuan Li
