All events

Kontaktparty 2025


Event start time 15.3.2025 11:00

Event end time 15.3.2025 17:00

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We are thrilled to announce that our beloved company fair Kontaktparty is again taking place at ETH Polymensa and Einstein/Zweistein on Saturday 15th of March 2025. But “What is the Kontaktparty and why should I attend?“, you might ask.

The Kontaktparty is the largest academic IT recruiting fair in Switzerland. Whether you are looking for a job, a thesis, or just want to look around and see what opportunities there are after graduation, the Kontaktparty is the place to be. About 100 companies will attend, including everything from startups to big players. The event will occur on the 15th of March, from 11:00 to 17:00.

To host such a big event, we need some volunteers. So if you want to help us out, please sign up for a shift here. Volunteers will be rewarded with an invitation to the volunteers' dinner and some additional perks.

Visit us in the oVIS (CAB E31) to pick up your Fairguide.

We hope to see all of you at Kontaktparty!

The fine print

  • By participating you agree that pictures can be taken of you that could be used for VIS-Purposes (VISIONEN, Instagram, etc)

  • By participating, you agree to adhere by the VIS Code of Conduct

  • Every participant is responsible for their own insurance

  • All statements are made without guarantee

  • In general, there are no refunds

Event organisers

Main event organiser Maciej Byczko
