All events

Kontaktparty Volunteer


Event start time 14.3.2025 13:45

Event end time 15.3.2025 20:00

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We are still looking for helpers who would like to take a look behind the scenes and help us setup on the day before or help us out during the Kontaktparty. If you are interested in taking on a shift sign up here

Food and drinks will be provided during your shift and you will also be invited to the KP volunteers' dinner.

The fine print

  • By participating you agree that pictures can be taken of you that could be used for VIS-Purposes (VISIONEN, Instagram, etc)

  • By participating, you agree to adhere by the VIS Code of Conduct

  • Every participant is responsible for their own insurance

  • All statements are made without guarantee

  • In general, there are no refunds

Event organisers

Main event organiser Maciej Byczko
