Oktoberfest 2025
Event start time 17.4.2025 10:00
Event end time 17.4.2025 22:00
Just like last year AMIV and VIS collaborate to bring you one of the best german festival right to your university.
Experience the rustic charm of Octoberfest on April 17th. Delve into the ambiance with traditional amivian melodies, hearty fare, and ample beer. Admission is just 12 CHF, which includes a souvenir glass and 1 liter of beer. The rest can be purchased for a mere 5 CHF.
Sign up using this link on the AMIV page: https://amiv.ethz.ch/en/events/signup/67c608d95c4883718a36ec76
We also need a lot of helpers to make such an event happen. Feel free to grab a slot for yourself. However, be mindful that the slot you're signed up to might disappear as someone from another student association grabbed it before you.
The fine print
By participating you agree that pictures can be taken of you that could be used for VIS-Purposes (VISIONEN, Instagram, etc)
By participating, you agree to adhere by the VIS Code of Conduct
Every participant is responsible for their own insurance
All statements are made without guarantee
In general, there are no refunds
Event organisers
Main event organiser Alexis Elisseeff
Event doesn't need registration