VIS board FS25

Jonas Blank he/him
jonas.blank ät
As president, it is my job to represent VIS in official matters such as talking to the department, the rectorate or VSETH. On the side, I enjoy organizing small events, like VISTA.

Gamal Hassan he/him
Systemadministrator, Vize
gamal.hassan ät
I am in charge of the computer infrastructure at VIS. This means I make sure VIS computer infrastructure gets updated regularly and doesn’t burn down. If Community Solutions is ever down, then rest assured that it is 100% intentional and definitely not due to the switches failing.

Michelle Honegger she/her
michelle.honegger ät
Hi, I'm Michelle the Money Mommy (or the Treasurer but that sounds boring). I'm responsible for all the finances of VIS. You can find me in oVIS most of the time trying to make sense of the numbers of our accounting and haunting down the people that send me expense invoices via Slack or WhatsApp. So if you have an expense invoice please hand it in via our cool tool such that it doesn't get lost.

Hüseyin Deniz he/him
hueseyin.deniz ät
First, I thought "Kommu" stood for "Kommunismus", but I was elected democratically, and they gave me the Instagram password, telling me that I’d be the next VIS influencer? Both circumstances are weird. While I was writing this, Präsi just told me that "Kommu" actually stands for "Kommunikation"—oops. Jokes aside, I’m responsible for social media posts, updating the website, and advertising VIS events. As the successor, am I also responsible for not creating a TikTok account? I just finished writing this text, and Präsi told me—yes, I am. Please follow us on Instagram!

Alexis Elisseeff he/him
alexis.elisseeff ät
To ensure my fellow students are not stuck 24/7 on ETH stuff, I'm one of the two responsible person that ensures events happen all year round. Our committee plans lots of cool events, attempting to cover all possible interests. Any new event idea is much welcome, so feel free to drop by in Ovis and discuss it with me (90% chance I'm there).

Zhiang Chen he/him
zhiang.chen ät
I strive to support fellow students in their learning by organising exam preparation workshops, maintaining the exam collection, facilitating the mentoring program, and constantly pestering professors and TAs with E-Mails. Join us if you want to upload and cut past exams for your courses. P.S. to the illegal trespassers of PVW, I know where you live and I am coming for you.

Jonas He he/him
External Relations
jonas.he ät
VIS does not have infinite money, so we need companies to sponsor us. I am responsible for begging for money. Join ERK to help VIS get more sponsorships, meaning more events and more free beer! ERK is also responsible for organizing workshops and guest lectures.

Severin Mills he/him
severin.mills ät
As Festminister, my mission is to distract students from the monotonous life at ETH by organizing a variety of different events, such as parties, tours, excursions or dinners. On my first day in power, I managed to crash the VIS website (sry Gamal) by making an event too popular and acquired a Red Bull cooler for our common room, so I'd say things are off to a great start!

Johannes Göttle he/him
johannes.goettle ät
Do you feel unfairly treated in an exam or have concerns about a course? I'm here to be your knight in shining armor during your toughest ETH days, standing up for the interests of computer science students. My goal is to ensure that the student perspective is heard and represented in the decision-making processes that shape our academic experience.

Julian Pieper he/him
julian.pieper ät
I’m in charge of software development at VIS. This means fixing bugs and creating new features for your favourite VIS websites like community solutions (*cries*). Don’t ask me why community solutions is down. That is (likely) not my fault. If you’re down to rewrite everything in Rust let me know (I will not join though).

Ebruli Dogan she/her
ebruli.dogan ät
Hheiiii! I manage coffee and milk /*even though I am lactose intolarent*/ and make sure oVIS is still livable. Please tidy after yourselves :)) or face the consequences...

Niklas Tischler he/him
niklas.tischler ät
(Aka. Generic Board Member) I manage mails and write protocols. I love mails and protocols. AI might replace me in a month, but until then I'll do my best while complaining about all the spam mails I'm protecting you from. I also love Stosslüften, so leave the windows open for a few to get that fresh air!