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VIS General Assembly FS21 (Online)


Event start time 8.3.2021 17:00

Event end time 8.3.2021 23:30

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The GA will be held online via Zoom [1] (see links below). We will also be using Vote-IT [2], an application for voting. The most important documents for the GA are on our website [3]. If you want to participate, then make sure you sing up here. It is important for Vote-It that we have the registrations early, that's why you can only register until Friday evening. More Information about Vote-It will follow. For more information about the GA, read the president article of the VISONEN issue from February 2021.

The GA is the highest body of the VIS and can introduce laws and goals for the VIS and decide what to do with our money. The GA consists of all the VIS members attending the meeting. Every VIS member is entitled to vote.

The operating centre for the GA has the obligation to have a 30 minutes break after every 90 minutes due to COVID-19 measures. This has an effect on the time frame. In the agenda of the MV there are some semi-random checkpoints to set a time frame that we would like to meet. Please help us to keep this schedule. Study the material beforehand and prepare precise questions and remarks. Maybe read the reports or the budget in the breaks (see [3]).

[EDIT] The operating centre is dropped in order to save time. Please still prepare yourself.




Event organisers

Main event organiser Johan Stettler